Realillusion is Part of the Program Unternehmen Start
Realillusion is part of Unternehmen Start, which supports the local and national initiatives of both cultural institutes, in particular...
Realillusion is Part of the Program Unternehmen Start
Blick in Cinema Synesthesia Screenings at TCS 2024
کاربر ناشناس
Blind: into the eye is wins the 1st place prize at the HessenLAB at B3 Biennale Moving Image
7+1 Fragments wins Honorable Mention für Medium Length Film at Cinalfama
Mit anderem Auge
Was man draus macht
W wie Widerstand Ausstellungseröffnung am 08.12.2021 in der berlinische Galerie
An Interview with FULLSHOT Cine Mag about the short film "Come and Go"
Come and Go in Europäische Kulturtage Karlsruhe
Come and Go was Finalist in ISA Festival
Zwei Trickfilme beim Einzeichnen Festival in der Berlinischen Galerie