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Participaroy Projects

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Schools of Sustainability
Haus der Kulturen der Welt


Film and Stop-motion Workshop with


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They draw the lines and shapes on foil and project them onto a wall. You photograph the smallest changes with the “Stop Motion Studio” app and create your own GIF.

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FIlm Workshop 

W wie Widerstand Vol.2

In Cooperation with Berlinische Galerie, Jugendkunstschule FRI-X BERG and YAAR e.V

Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung
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Film Workshop with Fritz-Karsen Schule

and Feld Theater

FELD Theater
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Jugend im Musum


Stop-motion Workshop with Schildern from the PFA-Kita Haubachstarße with Bauhaus Archive

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Space Lizzard


Film-Theater Workshop with Jugendliche in Jugendkunstschule FRI-X BERG Funded by Kulturamt Friedrichshain Kreuzberg

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Ich esse meinen Kopf


a short film fron the Workshop in FRI-X BERG with the Thema II’m going to eat my head off presented in the Festival 48h Neukölln

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Fries Werkstat Pronzip


GIFS from Linocut from the Workshop with the Refugees from Ukraine funded by Berliner Projektfonds kulturelle Bildung

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Welcome Class Photgraphy
Hector Petron Schule


Photography Kurs with the Welcome Class in hector Peterson Schule, funded by KulturagentInnen für Kreative Schulen Berlin

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Gemischt und bewegt
Museum for Islamic Art


Stop-Motion Workshop in cooperation with Museum for Islamic Art, FRI-X Berg and Campus Rütli 

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Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung


FIlm Workshop 

W wie Widerstand Vol.1

In Cooperation with Berlinische Galerie, Jugendkunstschule FRI-X BERG and Leibniz Gymnasium

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Magazine AG
Karlsgarten Grundschule


Magazin Ag in Karlsgartenschule with GIFS with the Thema Sport funded by KulturagentInnen der kreative Schulen Berlin 

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Shadow Play at the Halloween

Week-end in Fri-X Berg Berlin. We played with Stepan Üding.

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Museum for Islamic Art


Digital Stop Motion Workshop 

hidden faces

In Cooperation with the Museum of islamic Arts

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Floating University


Winterworkshop in Floating University of Berlin with Stepan Üding

In Cooperation with FRI-X BERG

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Filmworkshop in Robert-Blum-Gymnasium in Cooperation with Fri-X Berg in Berlin. We played in Fall 2020 different Rolls in Chess.

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Stop motion Workshop in cooperation with Comic Workshop, Street art Workshop and Screen Press Workshop.

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Three Months Film Workshop in Hector-Peterson-School and in cooperation with Fri-X Berg with the Thema "Fake News".
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Museum for Islamic Art


Stop-Motion Workshop in cooperation with Museum for Islamic Art, FRI-X Berg and Rosa-Park-Schule Berlin.

From Febrauery 2020 till June 2020

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Experimental Stop-Motion auf die Haltestelle Lab in temporären Spielstraße Böckhstraße in Berlin Kreuzberg


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Kulturprojekte Berlin


Filmworkshops with Thema strike as a social competence.

This one year Workshops (2019-2020) are funded by Projektfonds kulturelle Bildung Berlin.

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Winterakademie im FRI-X


Wenn die Bilder laufen lernen is a Filmworkshop in Winterakademie 2020 in Jugendkunstschule FRI-X Berg for childs from 12 years old.

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Berlin Mondiale


The Children of GU Lichtenberg participated in two Filmworkshops in Autumn and Christmas Holiday 2019.

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QM Brunnenviertel


Two Stop-Motion Workshop (2019-2020) with the children from 6 to 12 years in Wedding Berlin. 

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Eye-Land Projekt


Closing Event for Eye_Land Project with cooperation WannseeForum. 

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Kubiq e.V.


Stop-Motion Workshop and Filmtheater Project with children from Kreuzberg Berlin. 

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Gelbe Villa


Filmworkshop by Gelbe Villa. We make a Film together abuot the children's rights. 

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Kulturprojekte Berlin


Zusammen Trickfilm Lernen und animieren was a Workshop in 2018 - 2019. The Workshop is funded by Projektfonds kulturelle Bildung.

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